From Manufacturing Training Videos to Short Films, we have case studies to show you the power of our film and video creations.
Many times, companies will explain the power of video with facts pulled from a general study. However, they usually fail to explain their success rate for their Visionary Partners (clients).
We are painstakingly going back through our videos and films to pull together these facts and share them with you below.
Case Studies.
We worked with Pyramid Technologies to create 11 training videos, over the course of a one day production, for their bill acceptor product, they manufacture in house.
They needed to solve a simple problem, create a training video series on how to build and service their bill acceptor, without flying a trainer all over the world to do so.
Case Study | 1
Pyramid Technologies Training Videos.
We submitted all 11 training videos for them to send out with an unbuilt bill acceptor, to teach their team all over the world without the need of a live representative.
The result: tens of thousands of dollars saved on airfare, hotels, meals and the lost time from their absence their in-house trainers, while traveling within 4-years time.
Case Study | 2
Post-Production for Mustard Seed Cinema, Emmy Nominated Production Company
NO NAME has helped to offload the majority of editing for Mustard Seed Cinema, allowing us to take on more projects.
The technical and storytelling skills of NO NAME have instilled confidence that the job will be completed to our standards.
Beyond that, the opportunity to brainstorm together and collaborate around how to most effectively communicate the message has been a valuable experience and increases the quality of Mustard Seed Cinema's product.
Never deny your vision the chance to become reality.
Integrate it and allow it to be seen.
Have No Name Films post house begin working to create your cinematic vision or realize what our post-production can do to integrate into your workflow.